Gamification Training Course

Role: SME, Designer, Project Manager, Facilitator

Tools: Blackboard, Articulate Storyline

Process: After completing a research project into gamification strategies for our instructional design team, I was tasked with turning that research into an SME training course. I partnered with two instructional technologists to determine how to gamify the course and use Articulate Storyline to create gamified learning experiences. This was also a chance for the technology team to showcase their Storyline skills as our team was hoping to create more Storyline content.

I designed the outcomes, content, assignments, and activities and consulted with the technology team regarding Storyline limitations. Using Kevin Werbach’s gamification framework of Dynamics, Mechanics, and Components, I created a modified ADDIE design process to systematically gamify course content. We ended with a four-week training course and eight gamified Storylines in the course. The activities ranged from an Oregon Trail-style journey, a Sherlock Holmes mystery, and a game inspired by the TV show Shark Tank, each taking participants through a piece of the gamification design process.

After completing development, we marketed the course for SMEs to take for continuing education units. Two weeks later I started teaching the course with twenty-one SMEs participating.